February News
in News
Happy February everyone!! Time is flying by, back in the studio working on new painting's and finishing some commissions. I am delighted to say that I am involved with a very exciting project with Inspiring You, a competition called #OceanTransformer, which is open to all primary and secondary school student's nationwide. All you have to do is write a short message or design a poster encouraging people to take action and 'Save our Seas' from plastic pollution. I am judging the Poster entries, the poster should be no bigger than A3 size and should show the effects plastics have on marine life. You can use any medium you like -pencil, paint, crayon, colouring pencil, chalk, or mixed media. As for the imagery - the possibilities are endless - let your imagination run riot!! Brainstorm ideas - think about the effects plastics are having on our ocean's and how we can encourage people to take action to save our oceans. The work can be realistic, imaginative, combination of both, or anything else you can create!! I am so looking forward to seeing all the work. The deadlline is Friday the 29th of March, and the winners will be announced on the 2nd of April - best of luck to everyone. For more information, check out www.inspiringyou.ie.